4015 East Catlett Rd Lincoln

Thunder in the Valley Jet Rally
When: September 25 – 27, 2025 from 9 am – 10 pm (Tentative Dates)
This is the largest collection of both EDF and fuel-powered Jets in NorCal. With over 50 of the best pilots in CA and surrounding states. From 1-meter minis to 4-meter monsters the sound, smell and adrenaline are incredible. These aircraft can withstand high speeds and excessive wing loads and are some of the most advanced in the hobby. With 1,000 spectators (over 3 days), this event is great for kids to get excited about RC and generates a tremendous amount of donations for our wounded vets through Healing Hero’s.
- $60 Entry Fee, includes Free Thurs Taco Dinner*
- $10 for Friday or Saturday Lunches
- $20 for Friday or Saturday Dinners
- We accept ALL major Credit Cards
Register Day of Event:
- $90 Entry Fee, includes Free Thurs Taco Dinner*
- $10 for Friday or Saturday Lunches
- $20 for Friday or Saturday Dinners
Shade Options:
- $200 Front Row Shade 10’x24’
- Max 2 sections per person
- Includes Evap Cooler and Electricity
- $150 Second Row Shade 10‘x20’
- No limit per person
- Includes Electricity
4015 East Catlett Rd Lincoln, CA at the corner of E. Catlett & Fiddyment Road, two miles West of Thunder Valley Casino
More Details:
- This will be the premier RC Jet event in NorCal- don’t be sorry you missed it.
- Last year was a sell-out!! It will be an EVENT!
- We expect over 60 pilots and over 125 planes from the Central Valley, Bay Area, Nevada and Socal.
- Enjoy the 700’ long runway with 100’ plus groomed runouts.
- We have over 100 acres of emergency landing area and over 125 acres of fly over space.
- There are eight high quality acrylic awards up for grabs and plenty of crowd participation for the People’s Choice award.
- On Saturday at noon spectators will vote for the People’s Choice Award so bring your “A Game”.
- After the People’s Choice Voting we will have a smokin’ 3D Show, Crazy Heli exhibition and Extreme Jets (for spectators’ benefit). We will also have the MAVRIX youth intro and Combat Flight! Wow!
- We welcome RC Jets of all kinds- from large turbine powered monsters to small foam EDF’s.
- We will have a professional announcer (on Saturday only) and killer sound system that covers the entire pits and spectator’s areas.
- We are promoting through social media: Facebook, Instagram, forums, email and local TV stations so there will be TONS of spectators!
- We offer 10’x 24’ (first row) and 10’ x 20’ (second row) Shade tent rentals.
- We have plenty of EZ Up space available close to the pits, “first come-first serve.”
- Easy RV access (in and out) and lots of space for free overnight parking- starting Tuesday, Sept. 23rd.
- Professional Photographer will be on-site for “static and action shots”. Free photo downloads too!
- Smarter Images will be on site with high quality RC Apparel (shirts, hats, goodies) and can customize your garments during the event.
- In case of warm weather, we have over 5,000 sq. ft. of shade (front row), 12 large Evap Coolers.
- We will offer additional shade in second and third rows. Each row is and additional 1,600 sq ft.
- Electrical outlets every 20’ in the pits. No need for generators in the pits.
- We will have an Air-conditioned Awards/Dining tent open 24/7.
- We will offer smoke oil at $12 per gallon.
- We will have high-quality “on-site” professionally prepared lunch (Fri, Sat) and dinner (Thur, Fri).
- We have a renovated food concession stand (The Cantina) where you will food that is a “cut above.”
- We will provide Free Coffee and Doughnuts Friday and Saturday mornings.
- We will have a separate Ice Cream Bar and Beverage Stand (with tons of caffeine and sugar).
- On Thursday night at 5:30, we offer the best local Street Tacos & Mexican Beer for all attendees ~ FREE!
- We offer free beer and wine at the end of your flying day. You will find this in the dining tent.
- The entire pit area is lit up at night with “market lights’ so it’s a great place to chill
- We offer ice-cold bottled water for the pilots 24/7 in the pits.
- We will provide one “yard sign” for each sponsor with their name and logo prominently displayed on the “Row of Sponsors.”
- We provide hand washing stations, hand sanitizer and all the stuff to stay safe.
- If you would like to have a Turbine Waiver Pilot and CD sign you off, this may be done on Fri/Sat. Please have all AMA papers.
- There are several high-quality and inexpensive hotels within 10 miles of the field.
- This event is an opportunity to give back and help support the community.
- Throughout the event, we will ask for donations. Please be generous. We did over $27,000 last year.
- Spectators ~ FREE
- Parking ~ FREE
- RV Overnight Parking ~ FREE
Have questions?
Contact Dave Long at 916-801-7764 or Visit our website